Before this last set of storms we actually had a few nice days where I got a few things done. First was drilling out all the rivet remnants. When I initially removed the skin I just drilled the head and snapped it off. I thought that it was fast and efficient (it was!) but I didn't factor in the time needed to remove these remainders! Ah well, good thing I recently discovered Pandora Radio. It's a cool app that you can type in an artist or song/genre and it creates a station with similar music. Pretty cool.

Next was stripping the refrigerator access doors. These had tones of paint and goo. Go ahead and click on it and make it larger.... I dare you! The keys, alas, are long gone so I'll be replacing them with new ones from VTS.

First time this door has been open in a really really long time . Probably Carter was President!
Something serendipitous happened though! As I was slathering on the Citrastrip, I was eyeing the black residue on the skins. Now I have previously tried physically removing it by scraping and used nasty chemicals like adhesive remover. Nothing budged it. I wonder......

Along the lines of "well, it won't hurt" I gave it a quick swab with the brush. The stuff started to dissolve in SECONDS, nanoseconds even!!!! I little scrub with a 3m green scrubby and a swipe with some paper towels and it was gone! Yippee!
I did a couple of panels, but even though Citrastrip is pretty friendly, the fumes were getting toxic in an enclosed trailer. I'll do more removal when I can crank the windows open and run a fan.
I know some of you are probably thinking I'm nuttier than a squirrel turd for even bothering, but I'm planning on sealing everything with Tempro from the inside and I'd rather give it a good surface to adhere to! Yes, I'm planning on sealing each and every rivet.....
I'm really excited though. I thought it was going to take a bipartisan act of Congress to get that stuff off!
And I have plenty to go!
Now if the weather would just cooperate!