My son's graduation from high school ...
And the family vacations we've been busy. Even while on the beach - Airstream's RULE!!!!!! This was my nieces creation.. I think the fantastic fans and the moon roof are nice touch, don't you?
So not much has been getting done - That will change this weekend as I head up north again to finish ( I hope....) taking the interior skins out as well as help my sister and BIL put the skins back in their trailer. I'm supremely jealous of the stage they are at!!!! But I'm also learning from all their mistakes and redo's!
So, while I have been deprived of my Overlander I haven't been totally inactive. Ebay and Etsey are my new best friends....wanna see?
I've struggled with the restoration vs remodel question and think I have a good compromise. I will be restoring the outside of the trailer but inside I'm rebuilding from scratch in a style I like . Moonraker is a 1963 so she's not a legacy trailer and not one of the rarer models (Shhhhhhh, whisper that, I still think she's special and don't want to hurt her feelings!) Since I don't intend to resell ever, I'm going to take her back to the fifty's. Light wood, curved corners, and with more of an art deco theme than mid-century modern.
I digress but here's the reason for my post - I've gone shopping!. If my poor husband sees one more package "for the Airstream" he's going to lockup my Paypal account! But what's a gal going to do when she's bored.... shop of course!
Melmac plates in my favorite shade...aqua! I really like the cereal bowls that have these little handles on the side. One thing's for sure the size of plates and bowls have grown over the years! These are petite!
These are my new headboad lights...yes I realize the glass shades don't match. I kinda like that and they have this beautiful art deco styling on the metal ends. They need a little cleaning still, but will make pretty cool reading lights over the twin beds.
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Isn't this detail gorgeous? Sorry its so blurry... I'm going to screw them directly to the wall and probably convert them to have a strip of LED's inside. The bulb they have now has a large filament and I can't see it surviving bouncing down the road!!!! Any opinions as to whether the glass shade will be okay? I may have to rig some way of removing them "for the ride". I don't care for the idea of glass in the trailer but these were freakin cute!
A few more finds... A vintage paper/foil/wax holder in the back , very cool and streamlined o hang on the wall. To the left is a vintage Ice-o-matic Chrome Buckeeter and to the right is a West Bend Hot/ Cold Server that is insulated. It has bakelite knobs and cute penguins that march around it. Straight from the 1950's. It matches a cocktail shaker that I have that's shaped like a penguin too. Cocktails anyone?
My husband thought I was officially nuts with this one...A VINTAGE FLASHLIGHT????...... YOU"VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!
Me: (in a small voice) But it's a vintage Rayovac Sportsman that converts from nine batteries to... uh......never mind...
Seriously, I wish I had put something next to it for scale as this picture doesn't do it justice, the light is huge. Like a moon! Bigger than a breadplate. With all the extensions its 19 inches long .... And it will have this cool leather strap... ah forget it, there's no convincing you....either you get it or you don't!
My Darling daughter gave me this retractable clothesline for Mothers day. Love it! It's never even been used!
And I haven't even told you all about the legomatic chairs or the vintage fan (aqua of course) or the new Bargman L100 knob (stocking up as they have been discontinued) I'll stop now... promise....putting away the credit card...
Hey this all isn't part of the budget right???? I think I'm doing this the wrong way. If I continue at this rate I'm going to run out of money before I pay Colin!!!!! Hey Colin, if you're reading this you better get to my trailer sooner rather than later!!! Just kidding :)
By the way, for those of you that don't know.... Colin (aka Colin Hyde's Trailer Restorations ) has moved into a brand new shop. According to my BIL it's pretty neat setup and that's where the Moonraker will get her facelift. Oh wait, I think that's bottomlift! Can't wait!
Okay I already broke my promise ...Look what was waiting in my driveway! At least it's practical right? But it was a buy one, get one free so I feel totally justified... so what if I'm months from using it!
Updates after thus weekend, Bye all!
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