Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What a difference a day makes!

These are the original overhead lights.  They are aluminum and I had seen examples of them stripped before on the forums.

They looked very cool when shiny,  so I got out the trusty Citrastrip and painted them with a thick layer and left them overnight.

 Some of the paint came up pretty quickly but Airstream must have treated the bottom edge with something because there was a 2" strip all the way around (inside and out) that the Citrastrip didn't budge.  Even after a second coat!  Tougher than a woodpeckers beak!  

I decided to ramp it up and use the nasty aircraft stripper.

 It worked better but I still had to take a green 3m scrubbing pad to it to get it all off.  I wasn't too worried about scratching the aluminum because I was planning on polishing the light  anyway.  

This little guy came out to see what I was doing!  He lives under the front step and likes to sun himself on the top step.  People who leave our house often do it screaming!!

A little work on the polisher with a grey bar and voila! Not too shabby!  

 Next up were the plastic light covers.  Mine were horribly yellowed and stained (from smoking?) Here's what I started with, yech!

 I had read on the Internet about a homemade solution called RetrObright that was supposed to brighten up yellowed plastic electronics.  If you want read more about it here:

The recipe calls for :
1 pint (500ml) Hydrogen Peroxide, 10 to 15% strength (40 vol)
2 heaped tablespoonfuls of Xanthan Gum

1 level teaspoonful of Glycerine 
1/4 teaspoonful of "Oxy" laundry booster

 Basically you pre-dissolve the oxy in hot water, mix it all into a gel and paint it on and let it sit in the sun or under a UV lamp. See the website for more detailed instructions-  the pictures make it look like magic!

Here were my ingredients.. I left out the Oxiclean, oops  lol .....and even I didn't feel the need to show you boiling water!

The glycerine I got at a drug store, the peroxide at a Sallys Beauty Supply and the Xanthan gum from a health foods store.   Probably cost me $20 in gas running all over town!   And I had to go to the Beauty supply twice cause nowhere on the label does it say what percentage of peroxide it was.  Grr the way you want the 40 VOLUME!

  I did one light cover at a time cause I wanted to show the improvement.  So I mixed up a half recipe but used 1/4 tsp of oxi instead of 1/8 tsp

Here's it painted on:

It says you have to wait at least a day and I did.  To crushing results.... nada , zip, zilch... kinda like Mitt Romney's support among black voters!

 The hard part was that it's supposed to stay wet... tough to keep something in full sun and wet!  I thought the plastic bag would help but nope!  Your supposed to see bubbling... what little bubbling I saw, even a guppy wouldn't have been proud of!

You can use a UV light but I didn't have one....

I'm a rebel.  That's what I am... Adhering to a recipe makes me feel trapped. LOL 

So for round two,  I made a bath of just peroxide and the oxiclean.  I dissolved a teaspoon of the oxi in water added it to the remaining half pint of peroxide.  I plastic lined a cake pan and added the light cover.  At this point I didn't have high hopes but the bubbling started pretty fast and by the next morning I saw vast improvement!  Yippee!

 What a difference a day makes!   I was getting a little worried because the solution didn't seem to be bubbling as much and I wanted to get the other light cover in before things stopped working so I added a little more Oxi and some water because there wasn't enough solution to cover them both. 

It started bubbling away again after I added the oxi so I waited another day,  until they got as good as I thought they would ......and the end result speaks for itself!

They aren't truly white but I actually think they are back to what they started out as originally!

The lights have two sockets on the interior - one dedicated 12v and one 110v - my Overlander was wired at the fixtures for both.  Maybe I'll change out to LED bulbs or get rid of the sockets and use two LED pads.  I haven't decided yet and it might be awhile before these beauties get put back up.   I'm leaning toward the bulbs as it would appear more original but LED's are a fast changing world so I'm putting  finishing this the back burner for now.

What do you think?   My advice - skip the xantham gum and glycerine and  bleach away! 


  1. I have OEM ceiling fixture envy. . .

    Nice job!

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